

There are several financial reporting obligations that Lifeview as an approved provider of residential aged care must meet.

One of these is the General Purpose Financial Report (GPFR).

All non-government providers must submit an audited GPFR.

The GPFR is submitted as part of the Aged Care Financial Report. The GPFR includes a statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies, and other explanatory information.

All financials have been independently audited by Grant Thornton.

Argyle Trust Financial Statement FY22

Farwell Nominees Financial Statement FY22

Argyle Trust Financial Statement FY21

Farwell Nominees Financial Statement FY21

Argyle Trust Financial Statement FY20

Farwell Nominees Financial Statement FY20

Our View: Lifeview is trusted, respected, consumer focused, inclusive and innovative